Hypochlorous acid cleansers facilitate leg ulcer healing
wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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Hypochlorous acid cleansers facilitate leg ulcer healing

Hypochlorous acid cleansers facilitate leg ulcer healing

In my own clinical practice I regularly encounter individuals who have leg ulcers whilst concurrently having complex comorbidities.

These types of wounds are very prone to polymicrobial infections and biofilms.

In the past 6 months I have looked after numerous patients who have benefited from the process of :

  1. Identify and treat the wound’s causation
  2. Ameliorate / resolve co-existing comorbidities
  3. Debride the wound(s) of non-viable tissue and debris
  4. Apply hypochlorous acid solution
  5. Select an appropriate dressing and/or adjunctive intervention.

This approach has demonstrated a faster resolution of wound pain, reduction in exudation and progress in healthy wound tissue proliferation.

The enclosed article by Cheryl Bongiovanni (address below) is specific to a form of hypochlorous acid called Microdacyn and it provides some worthwhile clinical tips about the product’s use.
