All oedema is lymphoedema
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All oedema is lymphoedema

All oedema is lymphoedema

Robyn Bjork and Suzie Ehmann recently wrote a clinical guidance document on compression and the lower limb. Their document has many points of interest about oedema aetiology and the determination of appropriate therapy. Just a few highlights are : 1. “All oedema is technically lymphoedema, albeit stemming from different underlying aetiologies or diagnoses.” 2. Lymphatic dermopathy is failure of the skin as an immune organ. 3. Common diagnoses which require compression therapy include … chronic venous disease, lymphoedema, lipoedema, dependent oedema, chronic heart failure, chronic renal disease, obesity and the side effects of medication (such as steroids and antihypertensives). Robyn and Suzie’s dissertation is a “must read” for those of us who treat patients with lower limb swelling.

Bjork R, Ehmann S. S.T.R.I.D.E. Professional guide to compression garment selection for the lower extremity. Journal of Wound Care 2019;28(6 suppl 1):1-44