Australia’s most prescribed drugs in 2021
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Australia’s most prescribed drugs in 2021

Australia’s most prescribed drugs in 2021

NPS MedicineWise has just published the most prescribed drugs for 2021.

The most common drugs prescribed were from the statin group – being Rosuvastatin (#1) and Atorvastatin (#2).

Medication to treat oesophageal reflux disease came in at 3rd and 4th place – Pantoprazole and Esomeprazole. It is interesting that the long term use of these drugs can produce the side-effect of lower limb oedema.

Perindopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor used for the control of hypertension. This family of medication can also produce the side-effect of lower limb oedema. Perindopril was the 5th most commonly prescribed medication on the NPS list.

So the question is … three of the top five medications prescribed in Australia in 2021 are known to cause or exacerbate lower limb swelling. Oedema in the legs is associated with hypoxia and inflammation of the integumentary system. Should oedema be prolonged, wounds that may occur on the legs can become hard-to-heal. Compression devices may therefore have a role in prevention of oedema when these medications are prescribed and they will certainly be required as part of the therapeutic package of care when oedema and wounds co-exist.