BBraun’s 2018 update – The skin, the wound & infection
wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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BBraun’s 2018 update – The skin, the wound & infection

BBraun’s 2018 update – The skin, the wound & infection

Learning Objectives for the event Saturday April 28 – Novotel Parramatta,NSW

  1. To understand the normal anatomy & physiology of the skin and its relationship with the microbial community.
  2. To develop consistency in terminology, assessment and decision making based on international wound infection guidelines.
  3. To examine the differences between planktonic and biofilm infection and to identify the ramifications for general practice.
  4. To explore the range, indications and limitations of wound related antimicrobial agents.
  5. To review strategies which synergise antibiotic and antimicrobial interventions.
  6. To consider case studies and identify opportunities for applying evidence to clinical practice.