This episode looks at wound hydration and its implications for cellular function, wound repair and dressing selection. Gary Bain narrates the content, however the analogy belongs to Dr Windy Cole - Director of Wound Care Research, Kent State University College of Podiatry Medicine, USA. Thank
Frank Guerriero is a Nurse Practitioner and PhD candidate. His analogy describes the chaos that unbridled inflammation produces within a wound environment. He compares an inflamed wound's behaviour to that of a building site which is out of control - displaying poor signalling, inadequate coordination
The World Union of Wound Healing Societies has its next meeting in Abu Dhabi in 2022.
Sometimes clinicians treat patients with wounds for many weeks hoping that the challenged individual will find a way to get better
Andrea Mangion is the founder of Health Education for Lymphoedema (HELP).
In Part One of our interview, Andrea and I discuss
Thank you to Lipoedema Australia for this very helpful differential diagnosis chart.