Does obesity cause lymphoedema
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Does obesity cause lymphoedema

Does obesity cause lymphoedema

Lymphoedema occurs when the skin swells due to an abnormality in the lymphatic drainage system. Mehrara & Greene state that the fluid which underpins the swelling is known to cause persistent inflammation, scarring and fat cell (adipose) deposition. The authors further report that body mass indices (BMI) which exceed 50, have been demonstrated to cause lymphatic damage. So a cycle of reinforcement is set up … obesity causes lymphatic dysfunction which then stimulates inflammation and further obesity (through more adipose deposits). The huge negatives in this cycle is the ensuing predisposition towards severe infection, substantial skin changes and malignancy. The emotional, social, financial and functional tolls of this presentation are vast.

Mehrara,BJ & Greene,AK Lymphedema and obesity: is there a link? Plast Reconstr Surg 2014;134(1):154-160