wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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Congratulations Ellie Lindsay

Our dear friend and mentor, Ellie Lindsay, has just been given a Lifetime Achievement Award by the World Union of Wound Healing Societies for her outstanding accomplishments relating to the founding and on-going function of the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation. The Leg Club model has

The role of wound dressings

Cate Bain and the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation share a podcast which provides an overview on the role and purpose of wound dressings.   https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/understanding-the-role-and-function-of-wound-dressings/id1574884472?i=1000536634900

The Leg Club joins the Health Share on-line community

Press Release For immediate release 4th June 2021 Leg Club Network working in partnership with health-shared.com virtual community team The Leg Club Network has started a collaborative partnership with doctors from the Imperial College London who are working together to develop a virtual ‘Community of Practice’ to help make

Tools for wound cleansing

Removing debris (slough, necrotic tissue, dressing remnants, foreign objects) from wound surfaces is an essential act in the effort to promote wound repair. Instrumentation using currettes, scalpels or scissors is an efficient way to debride a wound, whilst autolytic processes using dressings is time-consuming (but, at

Pre-tibial skin injury and lower limb oedema

Health professionals regularly care for people who experience shin injuries and observe that the affected limb is often swollen after the trauma. Recent work mapping the lower limb lymphatic pathways has demonstrated that the anterolateral lymph vessels proceed from the lateral ankle and progress across

Lindsay Leg Club Foundation: its actions and outcomes

The Leg Club model for community-based care of individuals with leg wounds is unique. This recently released research paper and the emergence of a Foundation database provides valuable insights into how care can be delivered and the outcomes that can be obtained. https://doi.org/10.1111/iwj.13522  

The Leg Club Recipe Book

The brand new Leg Club Recipe Book is the result of an international collaboration of superb home cooking talent whose entire aim is to share their passion for great food whilst also supporting the actions and endeavors of the Leg Club Foundation. The Recipe Book