# lymphoedema
wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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# lymphoedema Tag

Congestive Lower Extremity Failure

Chubak, Melin, Massey and Gloviczki propose a new educational model for understanding phlebolymphoedema - congestive lower extremity failure (CLEF). They discuss the revised Starlings Principle for vascular fluid flow through the integument. They highlight the functions of the endothelial glycocalyx. They then go on to

Wound Guy Conversations with Donna Nair

Having Donna record her responses to my questions was fantastic. Her knowledge, compassion, insight and capacity to communicate just make her video one that you can watch again and again. Thank you very much Donna for your gracious and precious time.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elObnAYAe6o

Practice update on Leg Ulcers

Every once and while a document comes along which either perfectly updates or summarises practice principles for an aetiology that we encounter in our workplace. For those of us who care for individuals with leg ulcers, this comprehensive 76 page document from EWMA is a

What’s it like living with lymphoedema

Lymphoedema has a number of reasons why it can exist. The impact of living with a life-long and very visible health problem is huge. So what's living with this condition really like? The Lindsay Leg Club Foundation has provided a podcast on this very issue and question. Here is

Lymphoedema, chronic wounds and education at Macquarie Uni

It is my pleasure to be involved in preparing and presenting this two-day face-to-face course with the team at Macquarie University's Australian Lymphoedema Education, Research and Treatment (ALERT) unit. Course dates and registration information are on the flyer. ALERT_LYMP8008_WM flyer

Pre-tibial skin injury and lower limb oedema

Health professionals regularly care for people who experience shin injuries and observe that the affected limb is often swollen after the trauma. Recent work mapping the lower limb lymphatic pathways has demonstrated that the anterolateral lymph vessels proceed from the lateral ankle and progress across

Lindsay Leg Club Foundation: its actions and outcomes

The Leg Club model for community-based care of individuals with leg wounds is unique. This recently released research paper and the emergence of a Foundation database provides valuable insights into how care can be delivered and the outcomes that can be obtained. https://doi.org/10.1111/iwj.13522  

The Leg Club Recipe Book

The brand new Leg Club Recipe Book is the result of an international collaboration of superb home cooking talent whose entire aim is to share their passion for great food whilst also supporting the actions and endeavors of the Leg Club Foundation. The Recipe Book