wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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#woundcare Tag

Using antimicrobials in everyday wound care

Welcome to 2025. Wishing you all a year of good health, safety, learning and fulfilment. As members of the Woundieverse, our combined mission is to assist those with hard-to-heal wounds experience a better quality of life. So it is that we begin this new year

Infection and the diabetic foot

Jacqui Fletcher and her colleagues have written the latest Wounds UK Consensus Document on identifying and managing infection in the diabetic foot. The traditional "myth busters" and "clinical tips" components within the Document, make this a very readable and practical publication.   https://wounds-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/MULTI24_CD_FDUK_WUK_WEB.pdf

Shin injuries and compression

The shin is a very common site for lower limb trauma. This video highlights the role of compression to support lymphatic drainage in the leg, thereby improving the healing potential of injuries in this region.   https://youtu.be/JJbwBz6wDQc

Wound cleansing with irrigation

Properly cleaning a wound is fundamental in preparing a site for assessment, collecting a microbial swab, tissue biopsy or prior to applying a wound dressing. There are a number of approaches to cleansing, including the modality of irrigation. The information in this video is drawn

A dietitian’s view of wound healing

I am very privileged to work alongside remarkable dietitians at the rehab hospital at which I work. Their knowledge of biochemistry and physiology is amazing. So put their skills into the woundieverse and inevitably the patient experiencing a challenging wound is better off. I very

A wound’s like a beach

This episode looks at wound hydration and its implications for cellular function, wound repair and dressing selection. Gary Bain narrates the content, however the analogy belongs to Dr Windy Cole - Director of Wound Care Research, Kent State University College of Podiatry Medicine, USA. Thank

Foreman Frank and the Wound Tradies

Frank Guerriero is a Nurse Practitioner and PhD candidate. His analogy describes the chaos that unbridled inflammation produces within a wound environment. He compares an inflamed wound's behaviour to that of a building site which is out of control - displaying poor signalling, inadequate coordination

Wound infection decision making tool

The Welsh Wound Innovation Centre and the Welsh NHS combined to draw from the guidance in the International Wound Infection Institute's Principles of Best Practice Document 2022, a one page chart which sums up the clinical decision making steps required to guide clinical practice relating

Wound Guy Conversations with Matt Dutton

I have had the privilege of knowing Matt for many years. I always enjoy his insights and his courage to think differently to the status quo. He is passionate about quality patient care and education for clinicians. This short video is a glimpse into his