wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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wounds Tag

Shin injuries and compression

The shin is a very common site for lower limb trauma. This video highlights the role of compression to support lymphatic drainage in the leg, thereby improving the healing potential of injuries in this region.   https://youtu.be/JJbwBz6wDQc

Congestive Lower Extremity Failure

Chubak, Melin, Massey and Gloviczki propose a new educational model for understanding phlebolymphoedema - congestive lower extremity failure (CLEF). They discuss the revised Starlings Principle for vascular fluid flow through the integument. They highlight the functions of the endothelial glycocalyx. They then go on to

The meaning of the Woundieverse by Gary Bain

I have been very fortunate to have spent nearly 40 years interacting with people who experience and live with wounds. Some individuals have a relatively simple and straight-forward pathway towards healing. Others encounter the exact opposite, enduring wounds which significantly lower their quality of life. Complex,

Wound Guy Conversations with Donna Nair

Having Donna record her responses to my questions was fantastic. Her knowledge, compassion, insight and capacity to communicate just make her video one that you can watch again and again. Thank you very much Donna for your gracious and precious time.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elObnAYAe6o

Enhancing clinical outcomes and education via collaboration

A discussion between Gary Bain and Lusi Sheehan (The Wound Educator), within the context of Wound Awareness Week 2023, which explores the benefits of collaboration in enhancing clinical education and practice delivery. Welcome to the Woundieverse concept.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRYu-GireOw      

Practice update on Leg Ulcers

Every once and while a document comes along which either perfectly updates or summarises practice principles for an aetiology that we encounter in our workplace. For those of us who care for individuals with leg ulcers, this comprehensive 76 page document from EWMA is a

The Leg Club joins the Health Share on-line community

Press Release For immediate release 4th June 2021 Leg Club Network working in partnership with health-shared.com virtual community team The Leg Club Network has started a collaborative partnership with doctors from the Imperial College London who are working together to develop a virtual ‘Community of Practice’ to help make

Wound care for diabetic toe callous

An easy to read, well illustrated and important article to view if you see patients with diabetic foot callous. Written by Monica Melo.   https://lermagazine.com/article/treatment-of-distal-toe-calluses-and-ulcerations?utm_sq=gqajbsa6hs&utm_source=LinkedIn&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=David+Armstrong,+DPM,+MD,+PhD&utm_content=Facts    

Tools for wound cleansing

Removing debris (slough, necrotic tissue, dressing remnants, foreign objects) from wound surfaces is an essential act in the effort to promote wound repair. Instrumentation using currettes, scalpels or scissors is an efficient way to debride a wound, whilst autolytic processes using dressings is time-consuming (but, at