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wounds Tag

Surgical wound dehiscence : WUWHS Consensus Document

The World Union of Wound Healing Societies has published a new Consensus Document on Surgical Wound Dehiscence. The document has excellent graphics and decision making tools. It covers risk anaylsis, patient and wound assessment, descriptive terminology, preventative modalities and interventions. http://www.woundsinternational.com/consensus-documents/view/surgical-wound-dehiscence-improving-prevention-and-outcomes

Together we make a difference

Right now millions of people worldwide are living with a non-healing wound. We need to enhance their well-being, providing them with interventions which are evidence based and goal directed. Here at The Wound Guy we want to help you to help them through excellent wound care. Together we

The skin in organ failure

I have come to realise that a chronic wound is skin in organ failure. As with all other organs the key is to determine whether the failure is reversible or not. Once known then the clinician and patient can design an intervention to address the

Be alert for Necrotising Fasciitis wound infection

A recent report on ABC News described a current case of Necrotising Fasciitis in Victoria, Australia. This is a timely reminder to health care clinicians to be mindful of the etiology and presentation of this rare but devastating infection.   https://www.cdc.gov/features/necrotizingfasciitis/index.html

The Wound Care Patient’s Bill of Rights

The US Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (2015) produced the Wound Care Patient's Bill of Rights. The statements within this document are worthy of consideration as the principles expressed may have a meaningful place within our own individual professional practices. Patients have a right to

Data collection & assessment

Amanda Steinhauser recently wrote a blog piece (Wound Source August 2017) discussing how accurate outcomes reporting improves patient care. She made an interesting statement

Alternative to Hydroxyurea when lower leg wounds occur

FDA has approved L-glutamine powder (oral administration) for the treatment of sickle cell disease. Hydroxyurea has been the gold standard for many years however it has been identified as a causal agent of spontaneous, painful lower leg ulcers in small numbers of patients. Glutamine is

Statins enhancing wound repair

A recent study by Nassaji, Ghorbani and Shkofte concluded that Atorvastatin may have a role in preventing diabetic foot related infections. They point out that whilst statins have a lipid-lowering effect, they also demonstrate anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions. Their observations are supported by work done