The Wound Guy forms partnership with The Lindsay Leg Club
wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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The Wound Guy forms partnership with The Lindsay Leg Club

The Wound Guy forms partnership with The Lindsay Leg Club

Lindsay Leg Club Foundation forms partnership with the Wound Guy

The Lindsay Leg Club Foundation is to form a partnership with The Wound Guy with the ultimate aim of providing a better quality of life for patients with leg ulcers.

The Wound Guy is Australian based Gary Bain. Gary provides wound management education and clinical support to medical, nursing and allied health professionals as well as patients and their lobby groups. He has over thirty years’ experience as a clinician and educator in the management of complex and chronic wounds.

Gary said: “I am deeply honoured and grateful to Ellie Lindsay OBE for the opportunity to be an associate partner and friend of The Lindsay Leg Club Foundation. The Leg Club model of care is a great example of ingenuity in action. Patients are concordant, interventions are targeted and healing outcomes are enhanced. It is my privilege to collaborate with this award winning organisation which promotes the dignity and well-being of so many individuals who experience chronic leg wounds.”

Ellie Lindsay OBE, founder and lifetime president of the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation introduced the concept of community-based leg ulcer care, which has grown into a network of evidence based leg ulcer clinics, known as Leg Clubs. Leg Clubs provide community-based treatment, health promotion, education and ongoing care for people of all ages who are experiencing leg-related problems.

Ellie said: “I’m sure that we can accomplish a great deal by working closely with The Wound Guy. With nine Leg Clubs in Australia, and more set to open, our joint aim to offer health professionals working in community care opportunities to innovatively manage the increasing burden of leg ulcers will be greatly enhanced.”

  • Leg ulcers (and other chronic leg problems like lymphoedema) can affect people at any age, but are particularly common in people over 60. At present, over 80 per cent of all leg ulcers are treated in patients’ own homes by district nurses or by practice nurses in GP surgeries. However, patients often find it difficult to adhere to treatment plans, or to maintain the preventive measures needed to avert recurrence of the ulcer. Many leg ulcers consequently reoccur, or remain unhealed for many months or even years.
  • The Lindsay Leg Club Foundation exists to promote the national development of Leg Clubs. The Foundation also provides the necessary support and training for nurses to establish Leg Clubs and follow the Foundation’s guidelines, as well as on-going training in new developments in leg care.
  • The Leg Club is an innovative model of care that has been shown to improve the health and wellbeing of people with chronic leg conditions. By healing chronic leg wounds and keeping them healed, Leg Clubs also have the potential to save commissioners up to 80 per cent of their wound care budget in comparison with conventional leg ulcer treatment. A Leg Club is a local partnership between community nurses, patients and members of the community. Run by a committee of members and local people, each Leg Club operates according to strict guidelines of care, monitored by the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation. The Leg Club title, the wording and logo are protected by Registered Trade Mark in the UK and Australia. 

For further information about the Leg Club Foundation and Leg Clubs visit:
