Tools for wound cleansing
wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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Tools for wound cleansing

Tools for wound cleansing

Removing debris (slough, necrotic tissue, dressing remnants, foreign objects) from wound surfaces is an essential act in the effort to promote wound repair.

Instrumentation using currettes, scalpels or scissors is an efficient way to debride a wound, whilst autolytic processes using dressings is time-consuming (but, at times the most suitable option).

In recent years, aids have been made available to help clinicians aggressively clean wounds. Examples include Debrisoft (L&R), Prontosan Pad (Bbraun) and Ulcer Cleaning System (Medi).

Coloplast have just released their own variant on the wound cleansing tool front – called Alprep Pad. It can be used with any cleansing solution and disposed of in its own packaging.