Undisturbed wound healing
wounds, wound care, Australia, professional, healthcare, expert, dressings, bandages, trauma, skin.
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Undisturbed wound healing

Undisturbed wound healing

Brindle & Farmer recently discussed the concept of combining wound bed preparation with “undisturbed wound healing”. The notion being that impediments to wound repair such as devitalised tissue, infection, unresolved inflammation and inappropriate exudate, are treated and then as the wound enters a proliferative or healing state it is effectively given opportunity rest. Undisturbed wound healing preserves an environment which is humid, supporting growth factors and matrix reconstruction, whilst the wound resurfaces with new keratinocytes. This approach is reliant on having identified wound aetiology, correcting abnormalities and controlling comorbidities, whilst selecting dressings appropriate for the volume of exudate and which permit a reduction in unnecessary dressing changes. Allow the healing wound occasion to “rest”.

Brindle,T & Farmer,P Undisturbed wound healing: a narrative review of the literature and clinical considerations. Wounds International 2019;10(2):40-48